
Fifteen Minutes Getting To Know You.

We live in troubled times. With gas prices reaching an all time high, people are searching for different means of transportation. I ride the bus. Its awful. Its crowded, it smells like burnt cat food, its full of people that you thought only existed in b-rated horror movies and its cheap. I have weighed the pros and cons many times and the single pro is enough for me. The only other positive thing about riding the bus is all the great things I get to over-hear and see. With that being said, this is what happened today.

I work at four in the morning, which means I usually get out between 11am and 1pm. For the most part I take the bus home everyday. Today I boarded the bus and found a seat near the front. All the way in the back was a girl in her mid-twenties screaming into her cellphone, which is cool, because I knew right away I wanted to hear everything she was saying. After a few "Don't give me that shit" and "I don't always cry," she hung up. There were only few moments of silence before the overweight guy with most of his stomach hanging out of shirt sitting next to her said, "Rough day?" What an asshole. It was just a simple questions in order to provoke idle chit-chat, but this asshole did not know what he was getting into.

It begin. This women poured her entire life onto this guy and what a life it was. Luckily she spoke loud enough for the entire bus to hear. Apparently she just got off the phone with her 36 year old soon to be husband and boy, was he pissed. He was pissed because she is homeless. Yes, homeless. She has no place to live, but she has a fucking cellphone. Hey, we all have priorities. From what I could piece together her boyfriend was extremely abusive to her. She came right out and said that he emotional and verbally abuses her, but in his defense he was hit in the head when he was younger. This has ruined his brain and she believes this is what causes him to have his outburst. Besides, it doesn't matter how shitty he makes her feel, she loves him and he is "All shes got." Oh, the things we do for love. She continued to explain that she is on a waiting list to get an apartment, but she is about to be kicked out of the place she is staying at now- which is her boyfriends. He must be pretty sick of her bitchin' because, according to her, he gave her an ultimatum. An ultimatum I'm sure we have heard a few times in our lives. "Move out or die." Who hasn't faced this decision? Of course, she couldn't come to an answer and she is clueless as to what to do. Fuck, lady. It was only two options, move out or die. Pick one. I could pick one for you, but you may not like it.

This converstation went on for about 20 minutes and the son-of-a-bitch that started the whole thing has not said one word throughout it all. Which is a good thing, because if he provoke her anymore I would have had to rip his tounge out and slap his fucking ass to death.

I bet Rosa Parks didn't have to listen to this shit.


Anonymous said...

i hope they're all this good. i'd read it :) good first entry!

Unknown said...

You know...the stories in the control room were never this good...nice work!